International Conference on Quality of Life

2016 Conference Organizers

ICQoL-2016 Conference Chairperson:

Prof. H. Matsuda (Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, Kyoto, JAPAN).

ICQoL-2016 Conference Vice-Chairperson:

Prof. IMAI Chizuru (Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, Kyoto, JAPAN).

Organizing Committee Members (OCM) for ICQoL-2016:

Prof. OHYA Susumu, Prof. UWANO Yoshio, Prof. FUKADA Mamoru, Prof. HAMASAKI Hiroshi, Dr. NAKAI Hisao, Prof. Anthony FW FOONG.

International Organizing Committee (IOC):

IOC Members Affiliation
1) Prof. Mohd Azmi Ahmad Hassali (Ph.D.) Universiti Sain University, Malaysia
2) Prof. Gury ZILKHA (Ph.D.) Zilkha Consultancy, Israel
3) Dr. SOGA Tomoko (Ph.D.) Brain Research Center, Monash Univ
4) Prof. Monty P. Sadiadarma (DCH) Indonesian Psychotherapy Association
5) Prof. Jung-Fa Tsai (Ph.D.) Natl Taipei Univ of Technology, Taiwan
6) Prof. Robert Chan (Ph.D.) Auckland University, New Zealand


The ICQoL Organizing Committee offer many thanks to Imex Japan for the use of their premises and facilities during the planning and staging of this event.

The ICQoL Organizing Committee offers its grateful appreciation to Kyoto Pharmaceutical University for the kind permission to use its premises and facilities during the conference.

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