International Conference on Quality of Life

News and 2021 Conference Update

Below are some updates concerning last year’s conference, and plans for the next International Conference for Quality of Life 

2020 Board Meeting

At the end of last year, the Board of Academic Society for Quality of Life held a board meeting (via Zoom) concerning ICQOL. Due to the coronavirus, the 2020 Conference was postponed, and this and other subjects were discussed. Meeting outcomes included:

  1. Professor Hishashi Matsuda will continue to serve as the president for another year in consideration of this year’s events.
  2. Likewise, the annual meeting has also been postponed until 2021 (pending progress in vaccination and other pandemic measures). It was agreed to plan to host next year’s International QoL Conference in Niigata or Osaka, Japan. Holding the event in Tokyo as perviously considered was deemed impractical due to the Olympics.
  3. Journal publication is now on an on-demand basis. This allows us to publish in a more timely manner, within 30-40 days including peer review. Member are encouraged to submit findings to our journal, JAS4QoL, at any time.
  4. Given the success of the 2018 Cruise Meeting, consideration was given to holding a similar cruise in 2021 or later, depending on the number of participants and pandemic status. See the annoucements on our home page for updates on future meetings.

Our Journal: JASQOL

In addition to hosting ICQOL, the Academic Society for Quality of Life also publishes an on-demand journal, JASQoL. Recent articles include a review of Covid-19 research,  A case-study on functional food intake in a diabetic patient, and a report on the development of a free-electron laser in the terahertz region. Previous issues have featured work by ICQOL alums and other colleagues and researchers. Check it out to see what others attendees are doing, and to help plan your own presentation for the next ICQOL Conference.

Contact Info Update

We are in the process of updating our newsletter email list. Please let us know if the following contact information is correct for you:

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