International Conference on Quality of Life

Presentations & Abstracts

Presentation Abstract Checklist

□     Review Motivation and Purpose and Themes Covered.
□     Review Presentation Guidelines and Abstract Content Guidelines.
□     Prepare and Submit Presentation Abstract by September 15th, 2019.

Please look at the sidebar at right for the full Conference Application Checklist, including registration and payment.

Motivation and Purpose

Key and novel findings in education, healthcare, psychology, and social sciences (EHPSS) will be necessary for us to enhance the world’s present and future Quality of LIfe (QoL). Worldwide EHPSS are fast evolving with the coming of technology, original thinking and new blood.

Some achieving fast improvements while others remaining stagnant is not going to make the world a balanced place for all to enjoy. Therefore, improvements in EHPSS should be exchanged and shared so we can move forward in a bandwagon with joy and satisfaction, after all we – as humans – are all entitled to have the minimal best if not the very best in life.

With different views and approaches in EHPSS, we can all learn to bring home the most updated versions of achievements. In short, the inadequate can learn from the learned, and the haves can provide for have-nots in need of development and progress. With limitation of funds and budgets, we all can share the intensive and extensive burden of knowledge search together and avoid duplication to eventuate efficiency. By gathering all, we can learn from each other, and eventually contribute to global QoL in all aspects and perspectives in order to benefit all our brothers and sisters from all corners on earth.

Therefore, tasking in ICQoL-2016 involves all from fields in EHPSS, and we would like to cordially invite individuals and groups from various backgrounds, practices, disciplines, professions, and places to come aboard our wagon of exploring partnership, sharing of useful findings, exchanging of ideas, activating a different but constructive mindset, enhancing current understanding, generating novel approaches, modifying practices, and caring for all in the good name of QoL.

Themes Covered

Research personnel, field practitioners, NGO representatives, artists, consultants, scholars, and people who engage in EHPSS are cordially invited to give presentations on topics that will include (but are not limited to) the following themes:

  • Astronomy
  • Banking & Economics
  • Behavioral Sciences
  • Biotechnology
  • Business Studies
  • Child Developmental Studies
  • Communication Studies
  • Corporate Social Responsibility Studies
  • Cultural Studies
  • Developmental Studies
  • Education & Educational Studies
  • Ecology Studies
  • Engineering And Technology
  • Environmental Studies
  • Ethics Studies
  • Finance Studies
  • Global Studies
  • Governance Studies
  • Healthcare And Medicine
  • History
  • Health-Counseling Studies
  • Human Resources
  • Information Sciences
  • Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Language Studies
  • Law Studies
  • Learning & Teaching
  • literature Studies
  • Logistic Studies
  • Management Studies
  • Marketing Studies
  • Mathematics And Statistics Studies
  • Medical Ethics Studies
  • Medicine And Medical Science Studies
  • Multidisciplinary Studies
  • Nursing & Nursing Practice
  • Nutrition And Dietetics
  • Occupational Science
  • Organizational Studies
  • Parenting Studies
  • Pharmacy
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Philosophy
  • Physical & life Sciences
  • Political Science
  • Psychiatry
  • Psychology
  • Public & Environmental Health Sciences
  • Reproductive Medicine
  • Social Sciences & Humanities
  • Tourism & Hospitality
  • Teaching Methodologies

And Studies Related With Quality-Of-life

Presentation Guidelines

Applications are being accepted for both Oral and Poster Presentations.

  1. Oral Presentations are to last about 20 minutes, including about 5 minutes for questions and answers.
  1. We are no longer accepting Poster Presentations.

Presentations can be (but are not limited to) the following types:

  • experimental accounts
  • case and group studies
  • research work
  • reports
  • works of art or craft
  • works-in-progress
  • workshops.

Abstract Content Guidelines

Abstracts should be submitted by September 15th, 2019.

Abstracts should include the following information in the following order:

  1. Proposed title
  2. Author(s)
  3. Affiliation as you would like it to appear in program
  4. Email address of first or presenting author
  5. Content (up to 300 words)
  6. Up to 6 keywords.

All submissions are peer-reviewed under anonymous (blind) conditions by a global panel drawn from members of or recommended reviewers from the International Organizing Committee and the Organizing Committee. The official language of the conference is English, and all presentations and abstracts should be presented in English.

You will be notified of the panel’s decision within 2-4 weeks after you have submitted your abstract.

Abstracts may be submitted by email, or using the form below. E-mails should have “ICQoL-2020 Abstract Submission” in the title.

Abstract Preparation

  • Abstracts may be submitted as ODT, DOCX, DOC, TXT or RTF files. PDF files are discouraged.
  • Alternately you may use the text input box below.
  • Abstract content should be no more than 300 words in length. See Abstract Content Guidelines for details.
  • Files should be formatted as single-column text.
  • Non-English fonts (for example, Japanese fonts, Korean fonts, Chinese fonts, MS-Gothic, MS-Mincho, etc.) are NOT acceptable within the manuscript. Any characters in these fonts may not be viewable by reviewers.
  • If your file is larger than 10MB or if you have any problem in uploading your files, submit your files via online storage services (e.g. Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, etc.) and include the link in the text input box.
  • If you have any problems, please see Inquiries page.

Submission Form


ICQoL-2020 Presentation Abstract

Items marked in blue are REQUIRED.


Checklist (required)

I am a corresponding author of the manuscript that I am going to submit.

I confirm that all the authors have reviewed and approved the manuscript that I am submitting.

I confirm that all the authors have agreed to the listing-order for authors.

Please check all that apply:
I am a member of AS4QoLI am a Student

Personal Information

The following information allows us to match your registration with your paypal payment.

Full Name (required):


Honorific (required):


Country (required):


Your Email (required):


Abstract Content

Title of Your Abstract (required):

character count: 0


Type of Presentation (required):


Choose the field of research that best encompasses your abstract (required):


Affiliated institution(s) and other authors

Affiliated institution (required)

Full address of affiliated institution (required)

character count: 0


Does the abstract have multiple authors? YesNo


If so, please give here the full names and addresses, as above, for all authors.


Send Abstract and Message

Upload Your Manuscript (ODT, DOCX, DOC, RTF or TXT file)
Please note that abstract content itself is limited to 250 words.

Your Message:
1. This may include abstract content if you are not submitting a file. Please note that abstract content itself is limited to 250 words.
2. This may include link to online storage services (e.g. Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, etc.) if your attachments are greater than 20Mb.)
3. This is limited to 300 characters.

character count: 0


Submit Form

Enter the correct number:nine × = forty five

Any Problem? —> Inquiries