International Conference on Quality of Life 2019

Registration, Fees, And Deadlines

The basic conference registration deadlines and fees are given in the table below. Submit registration using form below.

Note that the deadline for presentation abstracts is September 15th, 2019. Presentation Abstracts are submitted separately from this page.

Conference Fees, Fares, and Deadlines

  1. Registration fees are  listed below and cover submission, preparation, and presentation of abstracts and preparation of conference proceedings.
  • All payments (registration fees, et. al.) must be made payable to AS4QoL. Participants and accompanying members will be allowed to participate if relevant payments are not received by the closing date (September 1st, 2019).

Registration Fees

Non-members will be given 1 year membership to Academic Society for QoL (AS4QoL) membership on  registration. Accompanying members will have to pay JPY10,000 and yet get to enjoy facilities and benefits of ICQoL-2019.

  • Nonmember - 30,000JPY
  • Member - 25,000JPY
  • Student nonmember - 10,000JPY
  • Student member - 5,000JPY
  • Accompanying member - 10,000JPY
  • Japan Multiple Abstracts - contact us

NB: The fees above are for registration with one abstract. If you are submitting multiple abstracts by the same author, there is a reduced price for subsequent abstracts. When "Type of Registration" please check "ICQOL-2019 Multiple Abstracts" and use the submit button at the end for "OTHER". In addition please contact us to arrange correct payment.

Please see our FAQ page for our refund policy.

Conference Registration Form


The following information allows us to match your registration with your paypal payment. Therefore, to prevent delays or errors in processing your registration, please ensure the information is accurate, and that it matches or includes relevant information associated with your paypal account. If this does not function as it should for you, or if you have any other problems, please contact us at or at our inquiries page.
Items marked in blue are REQUIRED.  



Note: Different naming customs exist throughout the world. Please help us correctly use your name by leaving a note in the message area below. We apologize for any error or offense.

Title: Title to be used in correspondence, e.g. Dear PROF. Einstein

Surname, Family Name: Examples: English: 'Bond, as in James Bond.' Japanese: 'Okamoto, as in OKAMOTO Taro.'  
Given Name(s): Examples: English: 'James, as in James Bond.' Japanese: 'Taro, as in OKAMOTO Taro.'  

Contact Information

Email (required):

Phone Number (required):

Fax Number:


Country/Region (required) :


Conference Information

Check whichever apply (required):
As4QoL Membership status:

Educational status:
If you are a student please attach a copy of your student identification in jpg, jpeg, gif, png, or pdf format (up to 2 megabytes).
Dietary Preference:
Type of Presentation
Would you be interesting in participating in off-session events if they were offered:


Presentation Abstracts

NB: Presentation abstracts should be submitted from this page.


Have you submitted a presentation abstract? (required)

If so, please give the full title
Don't forget proper capitalization and punctuation, please


NB: If you are submitting multiple abstracts by the same author, there is a reduced price for subsequent abstracts. Please check "ICQOL2019 Multiple Abstracts" and use the submit button below for "OTHER". In addition contact us at or at our inquiries page to arrange correct payment.


Choose the correct payment type and amount: (required)



Additional Message:

Confirmation (required):
I affirm that the information above information is correct. 


Submit Form and Payment Choices

There are different ways to submit this form, depending on how you will be paying.  

Those not paying via PayPal or submitting more than one abstract. After submitting, read the instructions on how to submit payment. This includes those paying by Japan Post. OTHER
Others paying by Paypal PAYPAL

Based on the above descriptions, choose the payment method that applies to you, and the appropriate information will appear below.


Checkbox to see other payment options.

Please leave this field empty.


Grand Total (currency:):

Please answer this math problem using a number (e.g. 1, 2):  
− one = six


When ready, click the PAYPAL SUBMIT button to submit this form, and then be automatically sent to PayPal. You may use the PayPal website to pay with a PayPal account or via credit card.


* For Detailed Instructions, or if you experience Problems, clickhere.


After pressing SUBMIT, you will see:


  1. First: a series of cycling RED SQUARES above the button that indicate your form is being processed by our system, and


  3. Second: after a short time, a POPUP message indicating either SUCCESS or there is a PROBLEM.

    * If you receive a PROBLEM message, please please check the form carefully for red error messages, correct your information as needed, and resubmit the form.

    * If you receive a SUCCESS message, it will indicate your registration information from this form has been successfully submitted to us (you should receive an automated email confirming this). At this point you must WAIT, as:

  5. Third: after some time, this page will be REDIRECTED to PayPal for you to complete the registration payment process.
    * If you are not redirected, you may also submit payment by going directly to PayPal directly and submitting payment to, or you may contact us at or at our inquiries page.
    * In order for us to resolve the problem quickly and smoothly, please indicate whether you have seen the RED SQUARES, SUCCESS OR PROBLEM POPUP, and REDIRECT. We also request you indicate which type of device and browser you are using.




Pay via Japan Post

If you wish to pay via Japanese Postal Account, please see this page for instructions.  

Pay via other means/more than one abstract

If you are paying for more than one abstract or need a different form of payment, please contact us at or at our inquiries page to arrange payment by other means.

Your registration is not complete until we receive payment. Note that payments may not be refundable. Please see our FAQ page for our full refund policy.   Thank you for your registration. Please contact us if you have any questions. See you in Kyoto.