International Conference on Quality of Life 2018

Travel and Accommodations

Pulau Redang, Sihanoukville, Laem Chabang

The 2018 International Conference on Quality of Life will be a 5-night Genting Dream Cruise leaving Sunday, September 2nd, 2018 from Singapore and visting Pulau Redang Island in Malaysia, Sihanoukville in Cambodia, Laem Chabang  in Thailand, and returning to Singapore on Friday, September 6th, 2018.

Check in is on September 2nd at 1:00pm at the Marina Bay Cruise Centre in Singapore.

By special arrangement with the cruise operators, the first 100 participants will receive a generous discount (under negotiation). Full details, including fares, itinerary, accommodations, and dining options available here.

Pulau Redange (Redang Island, Malaysia)

From Wikipedia:

Redang Island (MalayPulau Redang) is an island in Kuala Nerus DistrictTerengganuMalaysia. It is one of the largest islands off the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. It is famous for its crystal clear waters and white sandy beaches. It is one of nine islands, which form a marine sanctuary park offering snorkeling and diving opportunities for tourists.

The 2000 film, Summer Holiday was filmed on the Laguna Redang Island Resort, and a replica of the tea house now serves as the resort's gift shop.

Sihanoukville (Cambodia)

From Wikipedia:

Si­hanoukville (Khmerក្រុងព្រះសីហនុKrong Preah Sihanouk), also known as 'Kam­pong Som' (Khmerកំពង់សោម), is a coastal city in Cam­bo­dia and the cap­i­tal city of Si­hanoukville Province, lo­cated at the tip of an el­e­vated penin­sula in the coun­try's south-west at the Gulf of Thai­land. The city is flanked by an al­most un­in­ter­rupted string of beaches along its en­tire coast­line and coastal marsh­lands bor­der­ing the Ream Na­tional Park in the East. The city has one nav­i­gat­able river, the man­grove lined Ou Tro­jak Jet run­ning from Otres pagoda to the sea at Otres. A num­ber of thinly in­hab­ited is­lands – under Si­hanoukville's administration – are in the city's prox­im­ity, where in re­cent years mod­er­ate de­vel­op­ment has helped to at­tract a siz­able por­tion of Asia's in­di­vid­ual trav­el­ers, young stu­dents and back-pack­ers.

The city, which was named in ho­n­our of for­mer king Norodom Si­hanouk, had a pop­u­la­tion of around 89,800 peo­ple and ap­prox­i­mately 66,700 in its urban cen­ter in 2008. Si­hanoukville city en­com­passes the greater part of six com­munes (Sangkats) of Preah Si­hanoukville Provinces. A rel­a­tively young city, it has evolved par­al­lel to the con­struc­tion of the Si­hanoukville Au­tonomous Port, which com­menced in June 1955, as the coun­try's gate­way to di­rect and un­re­stricted in­ter­na­tional sea trade. The only deep water port in Cam­bo­dia in­cludes a min­eral oil ter­mi­nal and a trans­port lo­gis­tics fa­cil­ity. As a con­se­quence, the city grew to be­come a lead­ing na­tional cen­ter of trade, com­merce, trans­port and process man­u­fac­tur­ing.

Si­hanoukville's many beaches and nearby is­lands make it Cam­bo­dia's pre­mier sea­side re­sort with steadily ris­ing num­bers of na­tional vis­i­tors and in­ter­na­tional tourists since the late 20th century. As a re­sult of its eco­nomic di­ver­sity, the re­gion's nat­ural beauty and the con­sid­er­able recre­ational po­ten­tial, a con­stantly in­creas­ing num­ber of sea­sonal and per­ma­nent for­eign res­i­dents make Si­hanoukville one of the most cul­tur­ally var­ied and dy­namic pop­u­la­tion cen­ters in Cam­bo­dia. As of 2014 the tourism sec­tor re­mains in­signif­i­cant in com­par­i­son with neigh­bor­ing Thai­land.

Laem Chabang (Thailand)

From Wikipedia:

Laem Chabang (Thaiแหลมฉบังpro­nounced [lɛ̌ːm tɕʰābāŋ]) is a port city (thesa­ban nakhon) in Chon­buri ProvinceThai­land. It in­cludes tam­bon Bang Lamung of Bang Lamung Dis­trict, the tam­bons Bueng, Surasak, Thung Sukhla, and parts of Nong Kham of Si Racha Dis­trict. As of 2006 it had a pop­u­la­tion of 61,801. The town has grown up around the port, but also serves as a major stop on the coastal high­way link­ing Pat­taya and Bangkok via Sukhumvit Road (Hwy 3). The town is also known for host­ing a Japan­ese re­tire­ment com­mu­nity with spe­cialty stores geared to­wards them.

Laem Chabang has world class golf courses, such as the Laem Chabang International Country Club designed by Jack Nicklaus.

Visa and Immigration Procedures

We do not issue invitation letters or letters of guarantee for visa applications. Please contact the consulate in your country of origin.

Conference Off-Session Local Tours


Weather and Attire

In order to provide for your comfort during for the conference at this time of year, we recommend clothing should be clean, neat, convenient, and casual, but not too casual. Short- and long-sleeved shirts or dresses are generally appropriate. We recommend light breathable fabrics. We do not recommend short pants or skirts during the conference itself, as the conference rooms are air-conditioned. Suits and ties and other formal wear will not be comfortable and are not required at the conference.

Dress Code

The dress code is informal, though clean, comfortable attire is recommended. Suits and ties will not be pleasant in the summer heat.


We advise attendees to take out appropriate travel insurance for their trip. Local clinics and hospitals may not treat foreign patients who do not have insurance.