The Diversity of Quality of Life Found at an Academic Conference Cruise in 2018
HIOKO, C. The Diversity of Quality of Life Found at an Academic Conference Cruise in 2018 JAS4QoL 2019, 5(1) 2 online at:
Categories: > Full Papers, > Volume 5, Journal Articles
Tags: Conference Cruises, Full Paper, HIOKI; Chizuko, ICQoL2018, Quality of Life
The Diversity of Quality of Life Found at an Academic Conference Cruise in 2018
Research Institute of Traditional Asian Medicine, Kindai University School of Medicine 377-2 Ohno-Higashi, Osaka-sayama, Osaka 589-8511, JAPAN (
I recently took part in the International Conference and Cruise on Quality of Life 2018 Cruise (ICQoL-2018) (departing from and returning to Singapore). Cruise-Conferences of this sort provide a suitable venue and an entirely unique atmosphere for the exchange of information and findings among researchers. As described by Foong, while on board, participants enjoyed a variety of entertainment and interactions with other participants, while being able to maintain good health and privacy while feeling at home. In the conference, as a member of the Academic Society for Quality of Life, I gave a presentation entitled: “Kampo (traditional medicine) helps us to control our mind and body through the endocrine, nervous and immune system.”
It is difficult know whether the behavior of individual participants on a given moment on a cruise is a manifestation of the typical customs and values in their home country. However, if one is given the leisure and space to spend a 7-day cruise with them on the same boat at sea, and interact in and out as a group, one can come to feel less sensitive and conscious of the gap between of one’s own existence/life and that of other people. Thinking about QoL as a member of Academic Society for Quality of Life, I came to realize that cruising may be a useful way to discover the national characters of people from other countries.
Japan's growing aging population and a shortage of local working staff has led to necessary employment of nursing care workers from foreign countries, especially those who have grown up in Asian countries such as Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines, for elderly care.6 Caregivers are required to help care for the physically handicapped or incapable elderly in all aspects of daily life in order to maintain and improve their QoL. However, both of these—the care-giver and the care-receiver—are humans with feelings. The improvement of the QoL of not only the person who receives care, but also the person who is providing care must be considered. In short, for this human-human relationship to maintain in good balance, and for the interdependent system to be workable, an effort to acknowledge and accept each other's lifestyle and values should be exercised. A balance in Ki between the parties should be healthily circulated.
We may find that the quality of life is a degree of happiness that each person evaluates and measured individually. Happiness in life may be gained by devising a way of life derived from learning various patterns of behavior and thinking from the people surrounding us.
Furthermore, not only in the area of elderly care, if the upheaval of the society and the natural environment continues, there will be times when multilateral assistance is needed never more than now.
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Manuscript Submission/Processing fees (local/international transactions)
論文投稿料金 :イメックス ジャパン株式会社へお願いします。
The Academic Society for Quality of Life (AS4QoL) has appointed Imex Japan (Publishing) Co. Ltd. as the organization for proofreading, editing, formatting, and posting of manuscripts accepted (after peer review) and for publication in the Journal of Academic Society for Quality of Life, effective January 2019. As part of this arrangement, authors and others receiving these services should submit payments directly to Imex Japan Co. Ltd rather than to AS4QoL.
Prof. Hishashi MATSUDA
President, AS4QoL
Regulation of Adiponectin Receptors Through PPAR-gamma Agonists in Systemic and Renal Hemodynamics in Diabetic Rats
Sattar, M. Z. A.; Afzal, S. Regulation of Adiponectin Receptors Through PPAR-gamma Agonists in Systemic and Renal Hemodynamics in Diabetic Rats JAS4QoL 2019, 5(1) 1 online at:
Categories: > Volume 5, > Wisdom Notes, Journal Articles
Tags: Adiponectin, AFZAL;Sheryar, Hemodynamics, PPAR-gamma, SATTAR; Munavvar Zubaid Abdul, Wisdom Note
Munavvar Zubaid Abdul SATTAR*, Sheryar AFZAL
Department of Scientific Basis of Therapeutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, MAHSA University, Selangor, Malaysia (
The adipose tissue as an object of study has dynamically entered the field of cardiology over the last decade. The communication between adipose tissue and other biological systems is accomplished through the expression of a large number of bioactive mediators, called adipokine or adipocytokines (Antoniades et al. 2009). The main adipocytokines are adiponectin (ADN), leptin, resistin, interleukin (IL-6), (Ryo et al. 2004), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a) and the plasminogen activator-1 inhibitor (PAI-1). Adiponectin is distinguished by being not only the most abundant product of fat, but also for being one of the major involved in regulating various mechanisms in human body (Siasos, 2012). Adiponectin is a secreted protein consisting of 247 amino acids, produced exclusively by adipocytes. Adiponectin was independently identified by four laboratories; hence, the multiple names. Lodish laboratory first discovered adiponectin in 1995 as a protein named “Adipocyte Complement Related Protein of 30 kDa” (ACRP30) (Scherer et al. 1995).
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ICQoL2019 – International Conference on Quality of Life
The 2019 International Conference on Quality of Life was be held at Kyoto Pharmaceutical University from Sept 28-29, 2019. Further information can be found at the 2019 conference website.
Moving To Continuous Publication
Beginning January 2019 the editing committee has decided to adopt a continuous publishing model for Journal publication. Individual articles will be released online as they become ready, allowing a steady stream of informative quality articles. We will also be moving to a calendar year issue cycle. In traditional terms, each volume will encompass a single year and consist of a single issue. Publishing on a just-in-time basis allows authors to present their results in a timely fashion, and our readers, students, and colleagues to access our content and cite articles more quickly and free from the restrictions of a predefined timetable. As a result of these changes, the look and style, as well as the function, of the Journal will be different, and hopefully improved.
Frequently asked questions
JAS4QoL – Volume 4(2) (March, 2018)
JAS4QoL – Volume 4(2) (March, 2018) JAS4QoL 2018, 4(2) online at:
Categories: > Full Papers, > Mini Reviews, > Volume 4, > Wisdom Notes
Tags: Beta-Endorphins, Chin-Don Therapy, Cortisol, CRESPO; David, Elderly, English, FOONG; Anthony FW, Full Paper, HATTA; Kanji, Immunodefense System, Killer Cells, Kyoto, Mini Review, Teaching, Wisdom Note
- Mini Review
- Full Papers
- Wisdom (Philosophical) Note … As I was passing…
JAS4QoL – Volume 4(1) (March, 2018)
JAS4QoL – Volume 4(1) (March, 2018) JAS4QoL 2018, 4(1) online at:
Categories: > Full Papers, > Mini Reviews, > Volume 4, > Wisdom Notes, Journal Articles
Tags: Advance Directives, advice, Australia, Correlation coefficient, EMI; Yuika, Euthanasia, Full Paper, HIOKI; Chizuko, Hydrangea macrophylla, hydrangenol, IKEGAMI; Sako, IWAMOTO; Takuya, JENKINS; Judge Pamela, Kampo, Ki-kyo, ki-utsu, MASUKAWA; Yui, MATSUDA; Hisashi, Mental and physical correlations, Methanolic Extract, Mini Review, NAKAMURA; Seikou, NAKASHIMA; Souichi, NOMURA; Nami, OHTA; Ayako, phyllodulcin, Sweet Hydrangea Leaf, thunberginols A and B, vasorelaxant, Victoria, Wisdom Note
- Mini Review
- Full Papers
- Wisdom (Philosophical) Note … As I was passing…
ICQoL2018 – International Conference on Quality of Life
The 2018 International Meeting on Quality of Life (Singapore - Malaysia - Cambodia -Thailand) Cruise was held from Sept. 2nd to Sept. 7th, 2018. Please check the 2018 conference website for proceedings and photos from the cruise.