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A Preliminary Exploration of the Cognitive Linguistics Approach to English Article System Instruction in the Japanese EFL Classroom
FUJIWARA; Yumi A Preliminary Exploration of the Cognitive Linguistics Approach to English Article System Instruction in the Japanese EFL Classroom JAS4QoL 2024, 10(1) 1 online at: https://as4qol.org/ULalk
Categories: > Full Papers, > Volume 10, Journal Articles, Volumes
Tags: Cognitive Linguistics, FUJIWARA; Yumi, Full Paper, grammar instruction, Japanese EFL learners, the English article system
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, 5 Nakauchi-Cho, Misasagi, Yamashina-Ku, Kyoto 607- 8414, Japan
It is frequently mentioned that using articles is a notably high barrier for Japanese EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners to overcome because the English article system (EAS) does not exist in Japanese. Therefore, Japanese EFL students often resort to rote-memorization in learning EAS. Relying on rote-memorization, as often seen in traditional learning/teaching methods, makes it more challenging to fully grasp purposes of the EAS. Multiple prior studies have attempted to elucidate the mechanism behind the acquisition of English articles, yet many aspects remain unclear. Cognitive Linguistics (CL), which grew out of work done in the 1970s, is a multidisciplinary approach to language study that came into being in the 1980s and views grammar not merely as a set of formal rules but as something closely related to meanings in written contents. A variety of research and experimental efforts have been made to apply this theory in practical teaching environments. Many of these report that applied CL has a high potential to serve as a foundation for new teaching strategies. Therefore, in learning English articles entangled with complicated rules, it is expected that the CL-based instruction makes it easier for learners to understand the meaning behind grammatical structures, contributing to better comprehension of grammatical concepts. This survey attempted to assess the current state of Japanese EFL learners’ understanding on English article usage and evaluate their feedback on this newly introduced teaching approach. The research involved 46 university students enrolled in grammar courses at a university in Japan, and the participants were categorized into two levels of proficiency based on CEFR level. First, their understanding of articles was examined with a gap-filling test and then the CL-based teaching method was incorporated as part of a class activity. A questionnaire was also administered at different stages of the experiment to investigate first whether the differences in proficiency were connected to the comprehension of articles, then which aspects of articles were hard to understood, whether there were differences in trends based on proficiency, and what they thought of this teaching method. The results showed the group with higher proficiency understood articles better, and the participants seemed to have more difficulty selecting the right article based on the noun phrase type, which varies with the degree of proficiency. Additionally, post-experiment questionnaire results showed that many of them found this teaching method more beneficial and effective than the traditional one.
View | DownloadEnhancing Subjective Wellbeing for the Elderly via Shared Territorial Bonding-Type Resident Activity: Meaningful Creation of Intergeneration Exchange Activity Derived from 10,000 Elderly of More than Age Sixty-Five
MATSUMOTO; Kenya, SOYANO; Ayako, HIRAIDE; Atsushi Enhancing Subjective Wellbeing for the Elderly via Shared Territorial Bonding-Type Resident Activity: Meaningful Creation of Intergeneration Exchange Activity Derived from 10,000 Elderly of More than Age Sixty-Five JAS4QoL 2023, 9(1) 4 online at: https://as4qol.org/c6oCO
Categories: > Full Papers, > Volume 9, Journal Articles, Volumes
Tags: Full Paper, HIRAIDE; Atsushi, MATSUMOTO; Kenya, Quality of Life, SOYANO; Ayako
MATSUMOTO; Kenya1*, SOYANO; Ayako1, HIRAIDE; Atsushi2
1*Faculty of Nursing School of Medicine, Nara Medical University (j-okuda@naramed-u.ac.jp)
2Faculty of Nursing, Mejiro University
This paper presents the results of a preliminary study clarifying the relationship-building process involving patients admitted to Medical Treatment and Supervision Act (MTSA) ward and nurses. We conducted semi-structured interviews with two nurses who had experience working in MTSA wards to gain insight as to how they perceived patients when building relationships with them and changes in feelings toward the patients as treatment progressed. The content was analyzed with reference to the modified grounded theory approach. Results show that the nurses sought to have an understanding of patients1. The core of their actions was the belief that negative impressions can be overcome to motivate oneself. By applying their personal beliefs, the nurses deepened their understanding of patients. In the process of understanding, the nurses conducted consistent engagement with the patient while feeling that the patient’s psychological and physical aspects were improving, which was conflicting with understanding the wavering of the patient’s mental state and involvement according to that mental state and involvement that allows the patient to take proactive actions (i.e., involvement with patients). Repetitions of this process are thought to foster relationship-building between patients and nurses. Given that the relationship buildinThis study endeavored to clarify the effects on subjective wellbeing of the elderly and resident activities in municipalities. We investigated the impact of resident activities in each municipality on the subjective wellbeing of the elderly and to examine intergenerational exchange activities (IGEAs) that connected the young and elderly. Participants (male: 5000; female: 5000) of age 65 years and over residing all over the nation were subjects of the study. The study was conducted through an anonymous self-administered web survey on the internet. With subjective wellbeing expressed as the dependent variable, and various independent variables, including statistical data from municipalities, basic demographic attributes (gender, age, cohabitation family structure, place of residence, etc.), and participation in resident activities. Multiple regression analysis and structural equation modeling were employed for analysis purposes. The results showed that individual attributes such as annual income and age had a negative impact. Higher age and higher annual income were associated with reduced subjective wellbeing. In addition, all resident activities appeared to have favorable effects, indicating that engaging in any IGEA enhanced subjective wellbeing. The financial status of the municipalities where participants resided did not have a significant impact on subjective wellbeing when population density was excluded from the analysis. Furthermore, a model based on family composition and gender was established. Based on results of the present investigation, young and elderly participants involving shared territorial bonding-type resident activities yielded a meaningful mix of the young and the elderly. Through the present study - where Japan now is undergoing depopulation and cascading into a gray society - not only thinking of the unilateral tendency of the young supporting the elderly, but the coupling of increased connections between the elderly and the young nurture an aspect of fusing the weak and the strong from both age groups in IGEAs over time, and brings along activated interactive participations, where each side stand to learn and earn things ‘new’. Our study highlights the positive effects of community involvement on the wellbeing of the elderly and underscores the potential benefits of promoting IGEAs that capitalize on the distinct features of individual communities.g between forensic psychiatry patients and nurses is reported to reduce recidivism, the results of this study could be used to prevent patients from recidivating and to promote social rehabilitation. However, this is a preliminary study, so there is a need to collect more data based on the results and clarify the process of relationship-building between patients and nurses.
Keywords: forensic psychiatry patient, patient-nurse relationship, relationship-building process, Medical Treatment and Supervision Act
A Preliminary Study of the Process of Relationship-Building Between Patients Hospitalized in Medical Treatment and Supervision Act Wards and Nurses in Japan
OKUDA; Jun, KAZAMA; Mari A Preliminary Study of the Process of Relationship-Building Between Patients Hospitalized in Medical Treatment and Supervision Act Wards and Nurses in Japan JAS4QoL 2023, 9(1) 3 online at: https://as4qol.org/II8NK
Categories: > Full Papers, > Volume 9, Journal Articles, Volumes
Tags: forensic psychiatry patient, KAZAMA; Mari, Medical Treatment and Supervision Act, OKUDA; Jun, patient-nurse relationship, Quality of Life, relationship-building process, Wisdom Note
1*Faculty of Nursing School of Medicine, Nara Medical University (j-okuda@naramed-u.ac.jp)
2Faculty of Nursing, Mejiro University
This paper presents the results of a preliminary study clarifying the relationship-building process involving patients admitted to Medical Treatment and Supervision Act (MTSA) ward and nurses. We conducted semi-structured interviews with two nurses who had experience working in MTSA wards to gain insight as to how they perceived patients when building relationships with them and changes in feelings toward the patients as treatment progressed. The content was analyzed with reference to the modified grounded theory approach. Results show that the nurses sought to have an understanding of patients1. The core of their actions was the belief that negative impressions can be overcome to motivate oneself. By applying their personal beliefs, the nurses deepened their understanding of patients. In the process of understanding, the nurses conducted consistent engagement with the patient while feeling that the patient’s psychological and physical aspects were improving, which was conflicting with understanding the wavering of the patient’s mental state and involvement according to that mental state and involvement that allows the patient to take proactive actions (i.e., involvement with patients). Repetitions of this process are thought to foster relationship-building between patients and nurses. Given that the relationship building between forensic psychiatry patients and nurses is reported to reduce recidivism, the results of this study could be used to prevent patients from recidivating and to promote social rehabilitation. However, this is a preliminary study, so there is a need to collect more data based on the results and clarify the process of relationship-building between patients and nurses.
Keywords: forensic psychiatry patient, patient-nurse relationship, relationship-building process, Medical Treatment and Supervision Act
Hidden Curriculum in the Pharmacy Education: A Comparison of the Six-Year Curriculum With the Former Four-Year Curriculum
KOBAYASHI, Aya; KOBAYASHI, Yasuna Hidden Curriculum in the Pharmacy Education: A Comparison of the Six-Year Curriculum With the Former Four-Year Curriculum JAS4QoL 2023, 9(1) 1 online at: https://as4qol.org/Pprb9
Categories: > Full Papers, > Volume 9, Journal Articles, Volumes
Tags: Full Paper, hidden curriculum, interview, KOBAYASHI; Aya, KOBAYASHI; Yasuna, pharmacist, pharmacy education, questionnaire
Department of Pharmacy Education, Showa University School of Pharmacy, 1-5-8 Hatanodai, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 142-8555, Japan (ayakoba408@pharm.showa-u.ac.jp)
This study investigated the “hidden curriculum” that exists side-by-side with the formal pharmacy education in the daily life of pharmacy students. Specifically, it focuses on whether pharmacy students acquire through extracurricular activities and during daily school life while attending the pharmacy schools constitute helpful learning that assists them in becoming pharmacists who make positive contributions to society and healthcare. We have also sought to determine which specific extracurricular activities and habits, etc., served to bolster their self-awareness as pharmacists. We conducted questionnaires and interviews and investigated the characteristic “hidden curriculum” these individuals experienced as students at pharmacy schools. Information gathered from a questionnaire revealed that the number of positive responses to the question: “In regard to extracurricular activities experienced in the time you were at a pharmacy school, did what you had learned help you as a pharmacist?” was 63.3% in the former four-year (4Yr) and 71.3% in the six-year (6Yr) cohorts. Based on information compiled from individual interviews, reasons why “extracurricular activities” were helpful as pharmacists were assigned to the categories of “identity,” “professionalism,” “peer effects,” “recognition of others.” It became clear that their extracurricular activities were of great importance to their work and attitudes as pharmacists, as they grew in self-responsibility and self-awareness as pharmacy professionals. The reason for this outcome is that the daily exposure to those experiences while in pharmacy school molded them into pharmacists without them being consciously aware of it. The study results make clear that extracurricular activities during student life were helpful as pharmacists. We conclude that the “hidden curriculum” played key role in the process of building self-awareness and a sense of responsibility required for pharmacists.
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An Investigation of the Factors Affecting Social Seclusion and the Social Activity Needs in Husband-Wife Elderly Households
KAWAMURA, K.; TAKENAKA, Y.; TOKURA, E.; KIMURA, C.; TANABE, M.; ITO, H.; MIYAMA, T.; HORI, T.; MATSUMOTO, K. An Investigation of the Factors Affecting Social Seclusion and the Social Activity Needs in Husband-Wife Elderly Households JAS4QoL 2019, 5(1) 3 online at: https://as4qol.org/7Z5S0
Categories: > Full Papers, > Volume 5, Journal Articles
Tags: Elderly, Full Paper, HORI; Taeko, husband wife households, ITO; Hiroko, KAWAMURA; Kosuke, KIMURA; Chisa, MATSUMOTO; Kenya, MIYAMA; Tsukasa, social seclusion, TAKENAKA; Yuki, TANABE; Mikiyasu, TOKURA; Emi
An Investigation of the Factors Affecting Social Seclusion and the Social Activity Needs in Husband-Wife Elderly Households
Kosuke KAWAMURA, Yuki TAKENAKA, Emi TOKURA, Chisa KIMURA, Mikiyasu TANABE, Hiroko ITO, Tsukasa MIYAMA, Taeko HORI, Kenya MATSUMOTO
Kyoto Tachibana University, 34 Yamada-cho, Oyake, Yamashina-ku, Kyoto 607-8175, Japan (kawamura-k@tachibana-u.ac.jp)
Objectives: The present study investigated the factors causing social seclusion and understanding the social activities needed in husband-wife households to gain an insight in developing a program for preventing the elderly married couples from seclusion.
Methods: An anonymous questionnaire was distributed among a community of exclusively husband-wife elderly households (age: > 65 years). The questionnaire on self-efficacy scale with regard to going out among community-dwelling elderly (SEGE), rating scale for self-efficacy of physical activity in frail elderly people (physical activity SE), geriatric depression scale - short version-Japanese (GDS-S-J), and on social capital, age, gender, and long-term care level. SEGE values were categorized variables, while others were treated as individual variables by multiple regression analysis. In addition, the median SEGE values that were categorized by gender, confirmed the trends in social activity needs.
Results: In male elderly, ‘walking’, ‘stair-climbing’, ‘lifting a weight’ in the category of physical activity SE were high, and seclusion tendency was low in couples who had good husband-wife relationship, and seclusion tendency was high when GDS-S-J values were high. As for the female elderly, seclusion tendency was low when ‘walking’, ‘lifting a weight’, and social capital were high; the seclusion tendency was high when age, long-term care level, and GDS-S-J values were high. Additionally, the social activity needs did not exhibit differences when male and female elderly were compared separately according to median SEGE values.
Discussion: In the male elderly, it is important to prevent social seclusion from society via first mutual invitation to join social activity among the couples, and subsequently through intervention towards promoting elevated self-efficacy generated by couple-participation in physical activity. However, the female elderly can continue maintaining relationships with other community residents for their reciprocity. Thus, we found a gender difference needed to consider about seclusion prevention.
Keywords: social seclusion, elderly, husband wife households
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The Diversity of Quality of Life Found at an Academic Conference Cruise in 2018
HIOKO, C. The Diversity of Quality of Life Found at an Academic Conference Cruise in 2018 JAS4QoL 2019, 5(1) 2 online at: https://as4qol.org/9TxfJ
Categories: > Full Papers, > Volume 5, Journal Articles
Tags: Conference Cruises, Full Paper, HIOKI; Chizuko, ICQoL2018, Quality of Life
The Diversity of Quality of Life Found at an Academic Conference Cruise in 2018
Research Institute of Traditional Asian Medicine, Kindai University School of Medicine 377-2 Ohno-Higashi, Osaka-sayama, Osaka 589-8511, JAPAN (chioki@med.kindai.ac.jp)
I recently took part in the International Conference and Cruise on Quality of Life 2018 Cruise (ICQoL-2018) (departing from and returning to Singapore). Cruise-Conferences of this sort provide a suitable venue and an entirely unique atmosphere for the exchange of information and findings among researchers. As described by Foong, while on board, participants enjoyed a variety of entertainment and interactions with other participants, while being able to maintain good health and privacy while feeling at home. In the conference, as a member of the Academic Society for Quality of Life, I gave a presentation entitled: “Kampo (traditional medicine) helps us to control our mind and body through the endocrine, nervous and immune system.”
It is difficult know whether the behavior of individual participants on a given moment on a cruise is a manifestation of the typical customs and values in their home country. However, if one is given the leisure and space to spend a 7-day cruise with them on the same boat at sea, and interact in and out as a group, one can come to feel less sensitive and conscious of the gap between of one’s own existence/life and that of other people. Thinking about QoL as a member of Academic Society for Quality of Life, I came to realize that cruising may be a useful way to discover the national characters of people from other countries.
Japan's growing aging population and a shortage of local working staff has led to necessary employment of nursing care workers from foreign countries, especially those who have grown up in Asian countries such as Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines, for elderly care.6 Caregivers are required to help care for the physically handicapped or incapable elderly in all aspects of daily life in order to maintain and improve their QoL. However, both of these—the care-giver and the care-receiver—are humans with feelings. The improvement of the QoL of not only the person who receives care, but also the person who is providing care must be considered. In short, for this human-human relationship to maintain in good balance, and for the interdependent system to be workable, an effort to acknowledge and accept each other's lifestyle and values should be exercised. A balance in Ki between the parties should be healthily circulated.
We may find that the quality of life is a degree of happiness that each person evaluates and measured individually. Happiness in life may be gained by devising a way of life derived from learning various patterns of behavior and thinking from the people surrounding us.
Furthermore, not only in the area of elderly care, if the upheaval of the society and the natural environment continues, there will be times when multilateral assistance is needed never more than now.
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JAS4QoL – Volume 4(2) (March, 2018)
JAS4QoL – Volume 4(2) (March, 2018) JAS4QoL 2018, 4(2) online at: https://as4qol.org/0xBNO
Categories: > Full Papers, > Mini Reviews, > Volume 4, > Wisdom Notes
Tags: Beta-Endorphins, Chin-Don Therapy, Cortisol, CRESPO; David, Elderly, English, FOONG; Anthony FW, Full Paper, HATTA; Kanji, Immunodefense System, Killer Cells, Kyoto, Mini Review, Teaching, Wisdom Note
- Mini Review
- Full Papers
- Wisdom (Philosophical) Note … As I was passing…